With partnerships and on-site programs WR Arts shares our love for learning through the performing arts, bringing North Brooklyn's culturally diverse neighborhoods together to build a stronger community.
Partnerships & Programs
WR Arts currently provides General Children’s and Pre-Professional dance training, Monday through Saturday servicing 100+ students weekly as a part of our “Home Base” programing at 573 Metropolitan Avenue. With a focus on building dancers interested in Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap, and more contemporary dance forms WR Arts supports multidisciplinary creatives, aged 18 mos. to 16 years and beyond. In response to our global pandemic, WR Arts quickly transitioned to an online platform in March of 2020 and now continues to offer hybrid and virtual only programing, to continue support of our families & young artists in these challenging times.
WR Arts “In School” partners with local public and private schools to provide onsite programing, after school hours. Working closely with each school’s administration, WR Arts enrichment programing stands on the tenets of collaborative learning, participant led experiences with teaching artist’s guidance, and curating creative safe spaces. Through the performing arts and its’ varied modalities, WR Arts explores alongside our participants while supporting creativity for all.
Programing Offerings & Descriptions
WR Arts offers an array of performing arts disciplines, providing professional insight along with a dance classroom experience. To support the best introduction for our young learners in spaces outside of a dance studio, we’ve carefully curated the following programing options.
Creative Movement: An introduction to Modern based movement & collaboration. With our Teaching Artist’s guidance, participants explore simple composition and dance concepts, eg. fast & slow movement, levels, groupings, patterns, etc. Each class follows standard dance class format with warm up, floor work, and routine building both student and teacher led.
Creative Ballet: The beginnings of Ballet for our youngest movers! With music, rhythm, basic ballet positions and vocabulary, dancers will create through imaginative class themes. Using collaborative measures to transform our dancing spaces dancers use their vibrant imaginations in conjunction with their evolving ballet foundation to develop strength, agility, body awareness and self-confidence.
Ballet: Progressing from our Creative Ballet foundation, Ballet (Beginner level) takes dancers to the next phase of learning. Additional ballet positions are appropriately integrated along with more challenging arm and leg skills standard in the technique. Dancers will begin with ballet warm up, develop skills increasing their endurance, flexibility and strength as well as broadening their self-expression and imagination as they’re lead through themed sequences calling for creativity, presentational skills and ballet technique.
Dance making & Choreography: Dance making is a pre-choreography class where dancers learn how a dance is made, simple composition, stage directions and elements of improvisation. Young dancers will explore creating their own dance phrase and stories through weekly themes and dance concepts. Choreography expands on themes learned in Dance Making. With greater understanding and ability, Choreography Incorporates more complex composition elements and deeper exploration of student led collaborative work time.
Introduction to Jazz Dance: Our jazz classes encompass the best of the classic art form. Full of character, attitude and personality, dancers will explore various styles as the class moves through a warm up, center work, across the floor exercises and ends with dance combinations. Starting with the head and working to the feet, dancers will challenge their ability to isolate body parts, demonstrate dynamic movements and leap, jump, and turn!
Creative Hip Hop/ Hip Hop: Is your kid more Run DMC than Rachmaninoff? Join us for a chance to shake it up & explore fitness through dance with classic hip hop music and moves! Through learning both classic and contemporary hip-hop dance moves, students sharpen classroom skills: Working in large and small groups, listening, communicating through movement, spacial awareness, problem solving, working collaboratively, and respectfully. Each class guided by our Teaching Artists includes standardized dance class etiquette and technique: Warm-up, working across the floor, and routine/ combinations with time also given to showcase your child’s input and creative efforts.
Creative Theater & Voice: For the youngest of thespians and singers, ready to take the stage! Through Teaching Artist led theater and voice exercises, participants learn the beginning stages of dramaturgy and proper vocal production through speech and song.
2020 - 2021 Program Costs
In the event our partnered organization is unable to provide their own assistance but the age grouping demands additional hands, let’s talk! The following is our 2020 - 2021 costs and Teaching Artist/ Assistant options. Note, with social distancing in mind current class capacity numbers are reduced. Capacity may be adjusted with further conversation with partnered organization. See below for weekly class costs.
IP = In Person ; V = Virtual
All proposed In Person enrollment parameters subject to change, in compliance with NY State Department of Health and capacity percentages allowed in any provided space to account for proper social distancing.
Minimum enrollment for any class is 6 with a maximum dependent upon age grouping & room capacity percentages.
“Weekly Cost” to be multiplied by number of weeks in session. Regular programing partnerships can range from 10 - 18+ weeks.
With the exception of our Virtual option, "Weekly Cost” covers a 60 - 90 Minute period and may include pre/post class supervision. Virtual options may run 45- 60 Minutes, dependent upon age and need.
We look forward to exploring our options and growing our partnerships in the community. We invite creative combinations of our programing and are always open to finding ways to suit your school’s needs.
Kindly contact Nicky Guiland, Executive Director directly at WRNicky@Gmail.com to discuss any details.