WR Arts In School Program

August 10th, 2022

GREETINGS, Families! A quick update.

We have opened our afterschool enrichment program registration at PS 31, PS 34 & PS 110 only, for the moment. We continue to await permit approval from the Dept. of Education for our programing at PS 34 and PS 157. No need to worry- as soon as there is a change in status, we’ll let all families know.

Please use the side navigation bar to view your child’s school and the information pertaining to that site. Any changes to dates, class offerings, and pricing will be noted there.

We proudly announce our plans to continue our onsite After School services within the Williamsburg & Greenpoint communities, September 2022 - June 2023.

P.S. 31: Monday through Friday for Pre-K through 4th Graders 2:15 - 4:30 Day with option to Extend to 5:30PM // September 12th, 2022 - June 16th, 2023

P.S. 34: Three to Five Day schedule for Pre-K students only 2:15 - 4:30 Day

P.S. 110: Monday through Friday schedule for Pre-K students only 2:15 - 4:30 Day with option to Extend to 5:15PM // September 12th, 2022 - June 16th, 2023

*P.S. 157 Monday through Friday for 3K and Pre-K students 2:15 - 4:30 or 2:15 - 5:30 with option to extend to 5:50PM

*Details must be finalized before enrollment can begin at these sites. Please view individual pages for additional information.

In School

We work in close partnership with schools to provide quality performing arts education in a safe and supportive environment. Our staff is thoroughly trained and experienced in both childcare and arts education to ensure your child transitions smoothly from their daytime learning to our afterschool programming, having a blast along the way! 

Partnerships Include/ have included:

P.S. 31 Samuel F. DuPont Elementary (currently in session)

P.S. 34 Oliver H. Perry Elementary (currently in session)

P.S. 110 Monitor Elementary (Returning Fall 2022)

P.S. 157 The Benjamin Franklin Health & Science Academy (Fall 2022)

JCC Brooklyn at North Williamsburg- a Kings Bay Y project

Williamsburg Northside Preschool

Williamsburg Northside School (currently in session)

City Kids (currently in session)



Students are handed off directly to us from their daytime teacher at the usual dismissal time. Our transition then includes a 30-45 minute supervised snack, bathroom, and homework time to allow students to decompress before starting classes. 



With classes ranging from hip hop to creative dancemaking to crafting, we're sure to have something exciting for everyone. We offer classes designed to continue learning in a way that enriches both body and mind. 



Pick up times differ between schools. Please see your school page for specific pick up times. Please be EARLY to pick up. A late fee of $1 per minute will be implemented for late pick ups. If you know that you will be late, please find an alternate pick up person prior to pick up time and be sure to contact us with their name and information. 


Our Parent "Need To Know" Overview

What’s the dismissal procedure?

With our time scheduled so economically, please be early for pick up. Children will not be dismissed outside; all pick-ups will be conducted inside at the security desk. Parents/ Guardians will need to sign at dismissal. WR Arts will only dismiss to parents & guardians listed as primary, secondary, and alternates. Please contact info@wrarts.org if there is a change of authorized guardians. 

Students will be dismissed at the front security desk after their class(es) are finished. If you need to pick your child up early, please let us know in advance. 

Another guardian will be picking my child up. Do I need to contact you?

Yes! If your child will be picked up by someone not on the registration form as a parent, guardian, alternate or is another parent,  be sure to email us their name and contact number before 12pm of your child’s class day. 

If you’d like to provide alternate pick up options in advance, email info@wrarts.org with their name(s), phone number and email address and they will be added to our dismissal list.

Do you provide snack?

No, we do not. Please pack a non-perishable, NUT-FREE snack for your child to enjoy before their 3:00pm class start time. We have several students with nut allergies registered so we ask that you please respect our nut-free policy. Water bottles are also encouraged. 

What should my child wear?

Please send your child in comfortable clothing they can move around in freely. T-shirts, leggings, sweatshirts/pants, soft shorts etc. are all ok! Dress pants, Jeans, Dresses & Skirts without shorts underneath are not. Jazz shoes & ballet slippers are appreciated but not mandatory for class.

Closure Dates: WR Arts follows the NYC Department of Education school calendar. See our calendar with any questions.